Keynote and Workshop Topics
Leveraging Growth Opportunities
The following learning experiences support districts and schools with better understanding and leveraging their growth opportunities as a learning organization. Depending on an organization's needs, each of these topics can be facilitated in the following formats:
45-60 minute keynote (virtual or in-person) with an optional 60-90-minute interactive workshop
60-minute interactive workshop (virtual)
90-minute interactive workshop (virtual or in-person)
2-hour interactive workshop (in-person)
3-hour interactive workshop (in-person)
The length of the learning experience will determine the level of depth, learner collaboration, and volume of tools and resources explored.
Many organizations choose to explore topics over 2-3 virtual sessions to allow for depth of exploration and learner processing and reflection time between engagements. Pre-recorded webinars on these topics can also be arranged for organizations with large numbers of asynchronous learners. There is an additional fee for organizations who wish to record live sessions.
Please contact us using our Bookings page to schedule a learning experience directly or setup a complimentary planning call.
Cultivating and Sustaining the Whole Educator
District Leaders, School Leaders
Teaching is exhausting work, but there are steps school and district leaders can take to cultivate and sustain the whole educator. Explore strategies to create learning environments that promote a healthy lifestyle, are physically and emotionally safe, connect and engage with the broader community, support personalization, and consistently challenge both students and adults. Learn ways to support teachers so they feel both personally and professionally fulfilled.
The Game of Risk: Creating Safe Spaces for Teachers to Grow
District Leaders, School Leaders
An increased emphasis on teacher evaluation, including standardized test results, can make it difficult for teachers to feel comfortable trying new instructional strategies and taking risks in the classroom. This inhibits teacher growth and prevents them from modeling inquiry and problem-solving for students. Learn ways to encourage teacher risk-taking and create safe spaces for growth within your school.
Bending Time and Space: Making Room for Teachers to Be Learners
District Leaders, School Leaders, Teachers
The job of an educator is demanding, and teachers struggle to make room for their own professional learning amid planning, grading, and relationship building with students and families. Explore strategies to support teachers' reflection, needs identification, resource selection, and collaboration. Learn approaches to help teachers connect and co-create learning experiences that promote their growth as whole educators. Find ways to bend time and space and elevate teachers to become model learners.
Making It Personal: Coaching People, Not Processes
District Leaders, School Leaders, Instructional Coaches
We all need a coach – from high-powered CEOs to two-year-old playground dwellers; coaching makes us stronger, faster, and more focused. Effective coaching at the school and district level requires that we shape culture, make connections, and build capacity. Examine how establishing a sense of purpose, norms, and rituals and traditions around coaching couples with meaningful relationship-building to create and sustain a powerful coaching culture that values people (and their growth) over processes.
Facilitating Powerful Conversations in Virtual Spaces
District Leaders, School Leaders, Instructional Coaches
Coaching in a virtual space looks and feels much different than when we are physically seated shoulder to shoulder. Identify the characteristics of powerful conversations, including advancement of an agenda, shared learning, and a stronger relationship. Examine how the principles of great listening (i.e., focusing in a visible way, sorting and compartmentalizing needs and wants, recognizing the feeling as well as the content, and balancing inquiry, advocacy, and judgment) manifest in virtual spaces. Explore the five primary types of powerful conversations. Practice facilitating conversations that actualize strategy.