Professional Learning Flights will begin launching soon, and I can't contain how excited I am!!
Time and time again in my work with leaders, you've expressed an interest in personalizing professional learning for your teams, but time and capacity continue to be a challenge. This has only been further amplified by current events, and we are navigating spaces with an exponential number of unknown variables. My hope is that professional learning flights not only meet the personalized needs of your teams, but also provide some stability in our every-changing learning spaces.
What Are Professional Learning Flights
Professional Learning Flights are adult learning road maps, curated by topic, that provide professional learning facilitators with an organized and impact-oriented sequence of content, collaboration tools, interactive experiences, and reflection opportunities. Professional Learning Flight subscriptions include three major components:
COMPONENT 1: Crew Preparation
All access levels include crew preparation for facilitators. They receive recommended practices and approaches for facilitating adult learning - in both face-to-face and virtual environments - as well as a detailed walk-through of all the flight plan components.
COMPONENT 2: Flight Plans
Each flight plan includes six topically based 90-minute "Lifts" - or professional learning sessions intended to be facilitated in succession every 4-6 weeks. The lifts are created to be facilitated synchronously and have been crafted utilizing a personalized professional learning design cycle. Each lift includes recommended adaptations for virtual spaces, allowing facilitators to flow seamlessly from on-site to off-site sessions as schools' needs evolve and shift.
For each lift, facilitators receive tailored tools and content for:
priming learners before the session
ushering them into the learning space
launching the session
socially constructing new knowledge together
extending the learning loop between sessions
The plans include sample pre-session activities and prompts, session sparks, slide decks, discussion questions with recommended collaboration structures, and action planning and reflection tools.
COMPONENT 3: Routing Guides
As a professional learning designer committed to personalization, all lifts are designed considering varied learning preferences. Each plan provides facilitators with options to best meet the needs of his/her group. It's a "plan" with all the necessary resources - not a script.
The intent is to free facilitators from the burden of searching for and organizing best content and activities. Instead, they can maintain their focus on high quality facilitation. The routing guides also provide recommendations on alternate and extension activities that can be applied to any session.
Access Levels
In the interest of meeting as many learners' needs as possible, Professional Learning Flights are offered in five different access levels:
Business Class
First Class - Small School (up to 40 learners)
First Class - Medium School (41-75 learners)
First Class - Large School (75+ learners)
The Coach level includes one flight plan (six lifts) focused on Formative Assessment.
The Business Class level includes one flight plan (six lifts) focused on teacher leadership, specifically Fostering a Collaborative Culture.
First Class levels provide access to all flight plans (six lifts each).
Please contact us for pricing information.
The flight plans for 2021-2022 will include:
Educating the Whole Child
Critical Practices for Social Justice
Formative Assessment
Cooperative Learning
Teacher Leadership I: Fostering a Collaborative Culture
Each year, five additional flight plans will be added to the collection (one of which will be focused on teacher leadership) to provide your teams with a vehicle for continuous learning and growth.
Free Sample
A free sample lift will be released soon. If you're struggling with how to plan for the potential of both on-site and virtual professional learning experiences next year, this is the solution you've been waiting for - don't miss it!!